A foundation honoring Ethan Chapin’s love of life, people, and new adventures by providing scholarships that enable others to follow their dreams.

Ethan’s love for life was boundless. With a booming laugh and infectious smile, he spread joy to all who were fortunate enough to know him. Ethan was our storyteller, hard worker, and friend-maker.
In the wake of his absence, the Ethan’s Smile Foundation was born—a tribute to Ethan’s unwavering passion for life. Our mission is simple yet profound: to carry forward the legacy of Ethan by providing scholarships that enable others to follow their dreams.
In every corner we venture, in every heart we touch, we strive to keep alive the spirit of Ethan, reminding ourselves and others of the adventures and kindness that life has to offer.
We thank you for embarking on this mission with us to honor our Ethan.

scholarships given in honor of ethan
Honoring the enduring legacy of Ethan Chapin, the Ethan’s Smile Scholarship is a heartfelt tribute to a remarkable individual whose impact continues to inspire us all. Through this scholarship, we aim to provide students with the means to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on the world, just as Ethan did.
A Tribute To Ethan Chapin
Our friends at Arlington Hardware have partnered with us in creating an Ethan’s Smile apparel line to help spread Ethan’s joy and passion for life everywhere we go. All proceeds go directly towards supporting the Ethan’s Smile Foundation and scholarship fund. Together, we’re making the world a brighter, happier place, one smile at a time.
Support the scholarship program
By purchasing Ethan's Smile merchandise, you're helping students achieve their dreams. Proceeds from all purchases go toward the Ethan's Smile Scholarship program.


The Boy Who Wore Blue


Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the people and media outlets that have generously provided us the opportunity to pay tribute to Ethan. These spaces have allowed us to share not only his remarkable story and the profound impact he had but also to educate and raise awareness about the invaluable mission of Ethan’s Smile Foundation.
Donate to Ethan's Smile Foundation
Your donation will directly support the dreams and aspirations of deserving students through financial scholarships, ensuring that Ethan’s legacy lives on in the pursuit of education and opportunity. Join us in celebrating Ethan’s life by empowering the next generation to reach for the stars through the gift of education.

Please Make check out to Ethan’s Smile Foundation and send to:
PO BOX 1485 La Conner, WA 98257
Connect with us to stay informed about Ethan’s Smile Scholarships and opportunities to get involved with the Ethan’s Smile Foundation.